蒙昆貼牟尼祖師證悟法身對於-蒙昆貼牟尼祖師而言,證悟法身所得的安樂是言語無法形容的說道 :,假如你身體健康內心無憂,你可以靜坐修行讓心深入內在中心.七日七夜不出定你會發掘出無可言喻的安樂Pastes the monk founder 洗碗機speaking of the Mongolian elder brothers, the card becomes aware the Dharmakaya obtained peace and happiness is spoken language indescribable saying: , if your health innermost feelings without cause for 建築設計grief, you may sit in meditation lead a pious life let the peace and happiness which the heart thorough intrinsic center on 0.7th seven nights will decide you to excavate do not have may explain happiness 室內設計whichthe heart thorough intrinsic center on 0.7thseven nights will decide youto excavate do not have mayexplain 法勝法師開示--人間…是修波羅蜜之地方一切萬物,當我們照顧它時, 或我們還在世時就屬於我們的,咖啡機 但肉身歸土後,一切萬物不屬於我們的了, 變成別人的,真的不是屬於我們的。 人間是我們來往的地方而已,願以此功德,普及於一切,我等與眾生,皆共成佛道祈願國泰民安.風調雨順,人民安樂.迴向一切法界.有情眾生菩提心.慈冷凍冷藏冰箱悲快樂 .

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